In the winter by intaking the benefits of carrot, women can be far away from these 5 problems

benefits of carrot
The consumption of carrot is very beneficial for all because of its nutrients like carotene and vitamin A are found in it. But women should definitely take carrots because it helps to cure many women's problems.  Blood loss, Iron deficiency, Menstrual pain and problems of estrogen hormones can be cured by regular consumption of carrots. Let us tell you the benefits of eating carrots for women in winter.

1. It decreases Iron deficiency and Blood loss 

blood cells
The lack of blood in women in India is the problem of anemia which is very high. Carrot is the best source of iron. You can add carrots in the salad or in the vegetable. Carrot increases blood cells in the body. It purifies the blood cell as well as providing iron in the body. If you drink a glass of carrot juice daily, your whole body will be healthy.

2. Periods suffer less

During menstruation, women have to face many problems. Carrot can help to cure the pain and cramps during periods. Carrots contain many nutrients like antioxidants, calcium, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, vitamins "A, B1, B2, C & E" etc. Carrots gain strength in the body's immune system. Carrot is not only good for your eyes but it also helps in the pain of periods. Eat carrots during periods and drink a glass of carrot juice daily with a little celery, pain and other problems will be reduced.

3. Estrogen stimulates the hormone

Beta-carotene, vitamins & potassium present in carrots are very beneficial. Carotene is a pigment called a name that helps in stimulating estrogen in the body which helps to increase heat in the body. Apart from this, these hormones also help women in pregnancy. The carrot from beta-carotene forms the most effective source of vitamin A.

4. Strengthened brain function

Beta-carotene in the carrot juice may also improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of age-related memory problems & dementia. The Oxidative stress is linked to the damaged brain cell and it also occurs when the brain and nerve cells can not regenerate. This weakens nerve cells send the signal and reduces cognitive function. However, the beta-carotene in carrots may strengthen brain function and improve memory. In one study, the workers who were exposed to lead were treated with 10 milligrams of beta-carotene over the 12-week period. The study found that after the treatment, the group receiving beta-carotene had less oxidative stress.

5. The Healthier pregnancy

By drinking carrot juice is beneficial during & after pregnancy because of it’s full of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, folate, potassium, vitamin A e.t.c. Calcium helps your fetus develop strong bones & cartilage, while folate prevents the birth defects. According to the American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists (ACOG), the pregnant and the breastfeeding women need 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day.

Because of Vitamin C & Vitamin A in carrot juice also acts as powerful antioxidants in pregnancy. These vitamins protect both mother & fetus from free radicals and give both an immune system booster that lower the risk of infections.

How to consume carrots

Carrot juice is very beneficial in the menstruation. Apart from this, raw carrot food also relieves pain. After pain in periods, boil the carrot finely with a cup of water in a cup of water. If the taste does not look good, then you can also add sugar and black pepper depending upon your taste. Three times a day, you can eat it after the meals. Pain will be relieved.